Next Parade:
12 July 2010, Monday Morning
7.00 a.m.
School Uniform
Don't forget Badge and Tie


Saturday, April 17, 20105:46 PM

After the previous parade on tuesday, i believe everyone has much to learn. What was said should not be forgotten, but rather remembered and cherished. Many a times, we have taken Mr Tan for granted, assuming that he will always be here for every parade. We assume he will always be there to correct the mistakes we have made and do so every single parade. It is with this mentality that we never attempt to correct our own mistakes, for we think that during the next parade and the one after, Mr Tan will help us correct it. Or even worse, we do not see the need to make the effort in correcting our wrongs. "Why do so, why waste time upon such minor things when I have homework and games to attend to?" Well, the reason for change is simple.Regardless of whether you are going to change, the world is going to change. Other people, other bands are going to change. They are not going to wait and watch us learn and change. No they will constantly imporve themselves. Without changing, we are left behind. Far bahind. Without changing, we are simply going to remain stagnant and it is a great achievement if we even get a silver next year. So please take in what has been pointed out by Mr Tan, and from there try to improve yourselves. No one is demanding you to make the improvement immediately. As long as there is the effort to do so, there is hope.

If you had heard Mr Tan's words on Tuesday, you would be wreched at the words he used. There is no need to repeat the words. The few simple words are etched deep into everybody's minds. Never has anyone figured he would say it. Everyone troubled themselves with whether the bandsmen had this mentality but never has anyone thought so for him. It is a depressing thought. If you feel the pain, then take action. We have taken him for granted, but now is the time to take things seriously. As the Renaissance approaches, we have to bear this in mind and soldier on. Let's convinve Mr Tan once more of our capabilities as a band and make him believe in us. Let's just change and work hard. For the upcoming Renaissance, let's just push hard and work on our flaws.
CAS '10

Just Some Thoughts

Sunday, February 21, 201010:48 PM

It is the post-Chinese New Year period and many are still in the fastive mood. Hard as it is to say, we have to get back to studies. Common Test is coming very soon and sadly we have to start the mugging. I am sure many just detest this period, where we have no holiday to look forward to and can only focus on school work. Even I hate the fact that waves after waves of work just carshes onto my desk. Sigh...
Nevertheless, we have to buck up for this crucial common test.
But fortunately, right after the examination period, we have... BAND CAMP. This time, the March Band Camp will be overnight and there are a plethora of activities planned. Hopefully, all you bandsmen will greatly enjoy this camp and form new bonds. For Sec 2s, this will be your first overnight band camp with the whole band. You will finally get the feel of a full camp and I am sure you will have a everlasting, memorable time.
So, as you head into common tests, maybe the thought of band camp the week after will boost you forward. Swallow this bitter pill, and just brave on.
CAS '10

Chinese O'level results released to 2010 sec4 students

Monday, January 11, 20107:13 PM

The o'level results for the Higher MT guys have been released, some will be super happy because they attained an A1, which I hope is usless( if you get what i mean).

Those who did not get A need not to fret:
1. You will definately be better than me in MT
2. B3 for chinese at sec 3 is not too bad
3. You still have a chance to try and pass HMT
4. MT is usless in L1B5 if you can get straight As, it just beautify your cert.
5. There's still band, not as if the school will bar you from the bandroom.

So much for now!

Some Pictures Taken from Last Year's activities

Sunday, January 10, 20109:47 PM

Band Camp '09 
Band Chalet BBQ 
Eating by the 'road side' 
Saxophone Section
SYF Saxophone section 

Sec 4'2010 outing

Section Blogs

11:13 AM

Hello bandsmen,

If your section are to have a section blog, please tag on the tagboard with the link so the Tops can link it up for you. I have deleted some section blog links cause they're kind of dead. Section leaders, or anybody in the section, youre strongly encouraged to create section blogs and those dead ones, please relive yours. Thank you. Hope to see 11 section blog links in the band blog (:


The Year in a Post

Saturday, January 2, 201012:19 AM

SJIMB, welcome to the new year of 2010, welcome to the new decade of this century. This new beginning must surely signify much for each of you. However, what your personal goals are, I have no intentions of finding out, much less disccussing. Really the aim of my current post is to briefly summarise what this year would mean to you as a bandsmen. For those of you who are still unsure of what is installed for you this year, this could be helpful guide to lead you.

Firstly, the Secondary 4s. One very obvious significance of this year is the approaching 'O'-levels. Let's never be daunted by this uphill task; let's own the previous batches and score an average msg of 9. And just within our batch, let's have 100% passes for all subjects and a msg of no more than 3 for all subjects. Do not assume this task impossible, or only suited for those in the higher classes. It all come down to a individual drive. But before this year leaves us good and gone, let's lead this band to what it can be. BUT, most importantly is to enjoy our final moments together. We are our best friends.

Next, Secondary 3s. I am sure all are aware of the nearing task of taking over the band. Not the least is leading the band for SYF 2011. So not only do all of you have to buckle up, all of you have to also buckle up so well your waist hurts; you have to able to lead this band to glory. Putting leadership aside, all of you also have the imminent duty to burden yourself with Os so enjoy while possible.

Third, Secondary 2s. Although this year may seem bleak and uneventful to you, fret not you can busy yourself with things. Well for one, you could learn more about the band and music. This would undoubtedly help you next year. But crucially, you can work towards a tigther batch.

Well, that would be all for now. So til next time, bye.
CAS '10

New Year

Friday, January 1, 20109:00 PM

Happy New Year, bandsmen!
As we enter 2010, lets hope for a good and memorable year ahead. A new year almost means a fresh start. Lets get ourselves prepared mentally and physically for the parades this year. May we also have a different attitude towards band. One that is positive, willing to contribute and taking the initiative in band (Band From Within).

Lets start the decade on a right note, not just as a student, but also a bandsmen. Lets all strive to achieve success in the band, and improve ourselves, be it our character, music skill, drills etc, as a ONE band.


Band camp pics

Friday, December 11, 200911:14 PM

Here are the pics


BATCH OF 2010!

BATCH OF 2011!