Next Parade:
12 July 2010, Monday Morning
7.00 a.m.
School Uniform
Don't forget Badge and Tie

New Year

Friday, January 1, 20109:00 PM

Happy New Year, bandsmen!
As we enter 2010, lets hope for a good and memorable year ahead. A new year almost means a fresh start. Lets get ourselves prepared mentally and physically for the parades this year. May we also have a different attitude towards band. One that is positive, willing to contribute and taking the initiative in band (Band From Within).

Lets start the decade on a right note, not just as a student, but also a bandsmen. Lets all strive to achieve success in the band, and improve ourselves, be it our character, music skill, drills etc, as a ONE band.



BATCH OF 2010!

BATCH OF 2011!