Next Parade:
12 July 2010, Monday Morning
7.00 a.m.
School Uniform
Don't forget Badge and Tie

Just Some Thoughts

Sunday, February 21, 201010:48 PM

It is the post-Chinese New Year period and many are still in the fastive mood. Hard as it is to say, we have to get back to studies. Common Test is coming very soon and sadly we have to start the mugging. I am sure many just detest this period, where we have no holiday to look forward to and can only focus on school work. Even I hate the fact that waves after waves of work just carshes onto my desk. Sigh...
Nevertheless, we have to buck up for this crucial common test.
But fortunately, right after the examination period, we have... BAND CAMP. This time, the March Band Camp will be overnight and there are a plethora of activities planned. Hopefully, all you bandsmen will greatly enjoy this camp and form new bonds. For Sec 2s, this will be your first overnight band camp with the whole band. You will finally get the feel of a full camp and I am sure you will have a everlasting, memorable time.
So, as you head into common tests, maybe the thought of band camp the week after will boost you forward. Swallow this bitter pill, and just brave on.
CAS '10


BATCH OF 2010!

BATCH OF 2011!